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Hello everyone.

Hello everyone,

I have a special secret sale code that is valid for 2 weeks only. This is to thank you all for supporting my Etsy store. I read a beautiful meme the other day and it said, “when you buy from small business, you are supporting a dream.” This is so true for me.

So let me tell you a little bit about me. I left the corporate world in a full time job back in late 2016, which seems like a lifetime ago now. I was working in a large corporate office and I was a manager in finance department. The stress was off the scale and it was making me physically sick every day. You see many folks don’t know that I have several chronic illness and one of those is a pancreatic disease. It gets worse by too much stress and when it’s really bad I get bouts of Pancreatitis and it causes me to pass out. So in the end of my time at the corporate job I was hitting the floor several times a week and staff having a coronary because of me fainting. Not a pretty sight for sure. The stress was so bad one day I pulled into the car park and I sat frozen in that car and rang hubby Linus and told him I just couldn’t get out of the car. I was a crying mess and Linus just said to me, “just go in and pack up your office and get out.” So that is what I did, and it was the last day I ever worked in that company again. I had already had my Etsy store running for over a year at the time so it was sink or swim for money coming into the house. Well the universe blessed me and I had one of the busiest months every un my Etsy store so then I knew it was the right thing to do for me.

My Etsy store has grown and it is keeping us afloat which is the main thing, but I am constantly overloading my brain to come up with goodies your you all. I do have a Facebook group and it is only small too and I wish more people would interact, even if it’s just a random post here or there. I see the same people who religiously post each day which is just wonderful and I thank you from my heart to yours. So if you are in my tea group on Facebook, pop on in and say hi.

So here is your 10% off coupon, so happy shopping.

Where there is tea, there is love ❤️...Karin xx

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